Basically u have 2 categories:
Discrete and Continuous random variables (or in which case gets replaced with girls)
Discrete = many chicks over 1 day, i.e. good for one thing only.
Continuous = 1 over many days, i.e. good for long term relationship with many things.
EVERY chick will be in either category, its a mere matter of where in the distribution they sit :)
So now we have a discrete distribution (in this case I will jew Bernoulli), the girls sitting here are only good for one night and one night only, nothing long term hell nothing short term, maybe even just something good to look at. What I mean is up to your digression but yes, it is simple, if you look around for these "one night girls" there are many and what this graph represents is that over time the E(X) of the girls will obviously be at the middle, an average if you will. And looking around there will be few epic ones! and few epic wtf ones too.. You might be thinking but hey ea! your standards are wtf high! So that's why "MY" graph is positively skewed, i.e. the bell curve is more the the left... i.e. there are a WHOLE lot of ave girls in my books.. so if you make it above my given miu, feel special as you beat a whole lot of competition :) But saying this, a desperate guys curve will be negatively skewed where everything and everyone he sees is great! and above his miu! (which is sad but in the real world it happens)
Now for girls which would be good for a relationship "only", would sit in the following distribution, the epic ones would be at a greater positive sigma/standard deviation away from the mean (i.e. to the right) whilst ave ones to the left.
But don't get me wrong, sitting at a good place far right or an ave place far left doesn't constitute anything in a continuous distribution as shit happens. For this one girl emotions will fluctuate between the "steady state" (miu) and any place along this distribution and at the end of the day all these fluctuations will follow a normal distribution, to which you will arrive at a long term miu :) (not thats a bad thing of course, more of an economic equilibrium where you are content)
So what do we learn from this? When you're in a relationship there's always going to be ups and downs but more to he point, you will be at a content state one day in the future as you learn to appreciate each little thing. However, when all you do is go out to get "some" there are no downs nor no real ups. If anything its the same shit over and over with nothing to really show for it.